Refining plants for gold and silver


Balestri Technologies

Balestri Technologies

We design and manufacture machineries for the goldsmith and minining industries.

We realize plants for the chemical and electro-chemical treatment of precious metals: for refining, recovery, extraction, production and finishing.

Gold refining

Gold refining

Refining plants for gold by chemical way (by aqua regia or inquartation/nitric acid leaching) and by electro-chemical way (electrolysis).

Silver refining

Silver refining

Refining plants for silver by electrolysis and by chemical leaching.

Precious metals recovery

Precious metals recovery

Recovery systems for PMs from material generated by manufacturing or chemical processes.

Recovery systems for the goldsmith, the refining, the plating and the mining industries.

salts and solutions production

Salts and solutions production

Machineries for the production of salts and solutions for the goldsmith and plating industries.

Chemical plants for the production of salts of gold potassium cyanide or silver nitrate.

machines for the goldsmith manufacturing

Jewellery machineries

Plants and machineries for the goldsmith production: superficial finishing of jewels like the chemical brightening and for the hollowing of metal cores.

fumes treatment

Fumes treatment

Plants for the treatment of fumes coming from chemical processes in the goldsmith and refining industry.

Dust collectors for fumes coming from foundries, assaying laboratories and laser/cutting processes.

water treatments

Effluents treatments

Plants for industrial water treatment coming from the refining, goldsmith, plating and mining activities.


Laboratory hoods

Lab fume hoods for industries and pharmaceutical industry.


Our brochures

Our brochures can be downloaded as PDF files


Balestri Technologies S.r.l.

Balestri Technologies is located in the province of Arezzo, in the heart of the Tuscan goldsmith district.

We are based in Via Aldo Moro N. 9 , in Capolona, a few kilometers far from Arezzo.

Call us at: +39 0575 420 100 and +39 0575 420 673,

or send us a fax at: +39 0575 420 100

or send us an email at

Balestri Technologies S.r.l.
Via Aldo Moro, 9 - 52010
Capolona (AR) Italy
Tel. +39.0575.420.673
Tel./Fax. +39.0575.420.100
Partita IVA: 02120540519
Num. REA: AR 163232
Capitale sociale I.V.: € 10.000,00
Socio unico: NO


Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR 2014-2020 - azione 3.1.1 sub a3)
“Aiuti finalizzati al contenimento e al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19”
“Fondo investimenti Toscana – aiuti agli investimenti”

Titolo Progetto “INNOVAZIONE 2020”

Il progetto è riferito ad opere di ristrutturazione straordinaria degli ambienti di lavoro, con particolare riferimento alla realizzazione di nuovi uffici e conference room nell'ottica di contrasto della diffusione  del virus Covid-19 e di ripresa delle attività lavorative in piena sicurezza; in particolare la conference room, adibita alla connessione remota via webcam, ha incentivato l'attività post vendita e di assistenza tecnica in completa sicurezza, consentendo il supporto da remoto durante le fasi di installazione e training dei macchinari acquistati dai nostri clienti sia in Italia che all'estero.